2009. október 30., péntek

Welcome to Dentist Hungary Flythensmile!

Important …Irish Clients should note the following.

It is possible for VHI’s (Ireland’s largest medical insurance provider) DeCare Dental Insurance to accept dental claims for work performed by dentists in Budapest. As with all claim related or benefit queries and to insure that the work you would like to have done is covered by your insurance you should contact DeCare Dental in advance of making your travel arrangements. DeCare Dental Insurance can be contacted by phone on 353 9493-72277 and their web site address is www.ddii.ie

Brand new TESTIMONIAL from Norway:

First rate consultation in both our cases. (My mother and me) Full explanations and options were provided.
Excellent care and compassion during our treatment. Highly professional approach to ensure best available
results meeting all our requirements.

My old teeth were short and were nearly not visible when I smiled, the new crowns are fantastic lengthened the
crowns so they now can be seen when I’m smiling and talking,
I’m so pleased with the results and how natural my teeth look. It's also been a great boost to my confidence.
I would like to thank you for the amazing work you have carried out on my teeth,
Thank you so much for my beautiful new smile!
Highly recommended.

Warm regards,
Nina Dees Hansen